Course Description

Flipped Learning Certification Level - II answers one of the most challenging questions in a flipped classroom: What are the most effective, riveting, and innovative ways to use class time with students?

This course is a masterclass in group space management and active learning. You will learn how to confidently move your classroom beyond entry-level Flipped Learning strategies as you explore powerful, proven, next practices for supporting authentic learning.

These strategies include: Flipped mastery, gamification, in-class flip innovations, reimagined learning spaces, the reimagined student/teacher relationship, first-person narrative, project-based learning, Socratic seminars, peer Instruction, genius hour, and practical insights from the latest global research on group space instruction.

Most importantly, you will learn from some of the most experienced and accomplished pioneers, master teachers, researchers, instructional designers, and Flipped learning practitioners in the world.

Join Jon Bergmann, along with a cadre of 15 subject-matter masters, including Eric Mazur, Pedro Noguera, David Jakes, Cara Johnson, and Ramsey Musallam, for a walk on the leading edge of group space innovation and active learning strategies.

You’ll complete this master class with a greater command of your group space instruction, a list of new ideas to ignite your class time with students, and a Flipped Learning Level II Certification to add to your professional resume.

***  Note: The Flipped Learning Level - I Certification is required before beginning this course. The content in this course builds on the content included in the Level - I certification course.


  1. Annual Subscription: 365 Days of Course Access / Level - II Certification Certificate and Badge / Automatic Access to Course Updates  / Annually Updated Certification $159/year.
  2. One-time payment: 90 Days of Course Access / Level - II Certification Certificate and Badge/ No Access to Course Updates $129.

(See details on pricing options at the bottom of the page.)

Learn from 16 Flipped Learning

Group Space Masters

Scroll down to meet the 16 instructors who will be sharing their experience, practical insights, and strategies with you:

Jon Bergmann is a globally respected active learning thought leader. His twelve books are translated into 13 languages and have sold over 200,000 copies. Jon received the Presidential Award for Teaching Excellence and has traveled almost a million miles helping educators and school systems learn how to reach every student, in every classroom, every day. He spent 24 years as a science teacher before becoming a district technology facilitator. He currently heads an international cohort of certified and experienced facilitators who provide world-class, professional development and support around the globe. He serves on the advisory board for TED-Education. He currently is teaching science and leading staff development at Houston Christian High School.

Eric Mazur is the Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics and Dean of Applied Physics at Harvard University, Member of the Faculty of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and President of the Optical Society.Mazur is a prominent physicist known for his contributions in nanophotonics, an internationally recognized educational innovator, and a sought-after speaker. In education, he is widely known for his work on Peer Instruction, an interactive teaching method aimed at engaging students in the classroom and beyond.

Pedro A. Noguera is the Distinguished Professor of Education at the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies and Faculty Director for the Center for the Transformation of Schools at UCLA. He is a sociologist whose scholarship and research focus on the ways in which schools are influenced by social and economic conditions as well as by demographic trends in local, regional, and global contexts. Prior to joining the faculty at UCLA, he served as the Peter L. Agnew Professor of Education at New York University and the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, the Judith K. Dimon Professor of Communities and Schools at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

** To see details on all 16 instructors you'll hear from in this course click >>> SEE ALL

Robert Talbert is an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at Grand Valley State University in Allendale, Michigan USA. He was previously on the faculty at Bethel College (Indiana) and Franklin College. He holds a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Tennessee Technological University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mathematics from Vanderbilt University. Robert first implemented flipped learning in a computer programming course in 2008 after reading about its use in software engineering. Since then, he has converted courses in Calculus, Introduction to Proof, Linear Algebra, and Discrete Structures to flipped designs. He is particularly interested in how flipped learning can solve pedagogical problems in the STEM disciplines related to concept acquisition and self-regulated learning behaviors.

Ramsey Musallam: As a science teacher, camp director, and instructional coach, Musallam's mission is to help foster inquiry-based learning environments fueled by student curiosity. He believes that when questions are placed before teacher voice, rich and responsive learning cycles can occur in any context. Technology can be a strategic partner in this process.

Pete Whiting got interested with Flipped Learning when a student was out sick and he started making videos for her. And when he realized what was good for her was good for all of his students, he was hooked. Now, five years later he is considered one of the gurus in bringing flipped learning and gamification together. Pete teaches secondary science in Australia.

Martha Ramirez holds an MA degree in Education with an emphasis in Bilingualism and Technology at Unversidad de Los Andes in Bogotá, Colombia. Martha is a FLGI Master Teacher and a Flipped Learning trainer who specializes in the application of the In-Class Flip.

Troy Faulkner got on board with Flipped Learning in 2010. He has won numerous awards including the Intel's School of Distinction Award for High School Mathematics in 2011. He presents about Flipped Learning and Peer Instruction around the world. Troy teaches high school math in the USA.

Ryan Hull has been flipping his 7th grade Social Studies class for five years. Starting out flipping single lessons, he’s now using the flip mastery method molded to fit his scheduling and team structure at his school. Ryan is a Lead Master Teacher for the Flipped Learning Global Initiative, as well as one of the FLGI Top 100 Flipped Teachers, and has piloted the Flipped Learning Certification Program.

Dan Jones has been teaching in the classroom for 12 years. He has been flipping his instruction for the past four years. He earned his bachelor's degree from Ashland University and his Master's degree from American College of Education. Dan has written about flipped learning for Edutopia as well as the Association for Middle Level Education. His instructional methods in social studies and RLA have been highlighted in Jon Bergmann's book, Flipped Learning for Social Studies Instruction. Dan has developed a project-based learning environment that allows students to take charge of their learning with every unit of study. His students are employing 21st century skills throughout their entire lessons.

Enoch Ng teaches at the Boon Lay Garden Primary School in Singapore. He has implemented Flipped Learning since 2013 and has incorporated inquiry and peer instruction for his elementary students.

David Jakes taught high school biology for 15 years and was an administrator for 12 years.  His 27 years in education taught him a great deal about the organization of schools and how schools could serve their community by supporting the growth and development of children. As an educator, David saw schools as something that should constantly be in motion, always looking forward and learning, and moving in a direction that created both a contemporary and compelling education for students.

Peter PacconePeter is a San Marino High School social studies teacher with 30 years of teaching experience. As a fan of flipping, he periodically writes and/or presents on this topic. Recently, he described one of his better flipped learning lessons during a PBS Learning Media webinar presentation. Peter is currently looking to interview other teachers who flip. His hope with these interviews, to highlight the best flipped learning lesson plans of these teachers and then to have those interviews posted to the FLGI website for others to use.

Katie Lanier journey with flipped learning began in 2011 while searching for a way to meet the needs of struggling and frustrated physics students. By flipping physics class she was able to provide the time to include inquiry and project-based learning as part of the experience which eventually became a legacy course which challenges students to apply their science knowledge to serve the school community. She is excited to be included in this initiative as her goal is to help as many teachers as possible create an engaging classroom that nurtures and challenges students. Flipping her class pushed her to pursue an M.S in instructional media and an administrative certification. In 2013, she was selected as the Allen Independent School District Secondary Teacher of the Year. She enjoys sharing her experiences through twitter, training, her blog, Learning Opportunities, and has presented at state and national conferences including STAT, TAGT and FlipCon.

Cara Johnson has been an educator at Allen High School since 2009. She taught Biology and Anatomy and Physiology and, in 2015, took on a new role as the High School Science Instructional Specialist. Cara began her flipped classroom journey in 2010. After attending FlipCon14, Cara moved her flipped 101 course to a flipped-mastery course. With flipped-mastery, students guide their own learning, develop an in-depth understanding of the content, and acquired the skills that enabled them to be independent learners, such as time management, organization, and research tools in order to pursue their curiosity. Cara has presented her flipped mastery learning methods at numerous conferences include FlipCon15, FlipConTX and FlipCon16. In her new role, Cara has the opportunity to help 47 high school science teachers plan and implement their curriculum and using flipped class and mastery learning strategies.

Carolina Buitrago is a teacher educator. She has worked in the field of English Language Teaching since 2001. Carolina has performed tasks in different educational fields. She has been an English teacher, teacher supervisor, teacher trainer, thesis director, University professor, and has also worked as an associate editor for a couple of indexed journals. Carolina is a research enthusiast and has worked on varied research projects involving Flipped Learning.

Course curriculum

Click the arrow to the right of each unit to see curriculum details.

  • 1

    1 - Getting Going

    • 1.1 - Welcome to Level Two Certification

    • Getting to Know You Discussion

    • 1.2 - Course Overview

    • 1.3 - Flipped Learning 3.0 & Level Two

    • 1.4 - It Doesn't Have to be Glitzy

    • 1.5 - Practice Makes Perfect

    • 1.6 - Organization of the Course

    • Getting Going Discussion

    • 1.7 - How to Use this Course

  • 2

    2 - In-Class Flip

    • 2.1 - Meet the Experts: Carolina Buitrago & Martha Ramirez (New)

    • 2.2 - What is the In-Class Flip, and Why Consider it? (New)

    • 2.3 - The Different Types of In-Class Flipping (New)

    • 2.4 - Station Rotation Models (New)

    • 2.5 - Non-Station Rotation Flip

    • 2.6 - Common Issues with the In-Class Flip

    • 2.7 - Best Practices of the In-Class Flip (New)

    • 2.8 - Setting Up for Optimal Success (New)

    • 2.9 - Tying it All Together (New)

    • In-Class Flip Discussion

  • 3

    3 - Flipped Mastery

    • 3.1 - Meet the Expert: Cara Johnson

    • 3.2 - What is Flipped Mastery?

    • 3.3 - Why Consider Flipped Mastery?

    • 3.4 - Planning for Flipped Mastery

    • 3.5 - The Flipped Mastery Cycle

    • 3.6 - The Homework Stage

    • 3.7 - Learn and Practice Stage

    • 3.8 - Mastery Check Stage

    • 3.9 - Summative Assessments Stage

    • 3.10 - Pacing in a Flipped Mastery Classroom

    • 3.11 - Organizing the Chaos

    • 3.12 - Setting up the Room for Flipped Mastery

    • 3.13 - What to Do When Students Get Ahead?

    • 3.14 - Do's and Don'ts of Flipped Mastery

    • 3.15 - Tying it All Together

    • Flipped Mastery Discussion

  • 4

    4 - Gamification

    • 4.1 - Meet the Expert: Pete Whiting

    • 4.2 - What is Gamification?

    • 4.3 - Benefits of Gamification

    • 4.4 - Gamification Terminology

    • 4.5 - Rethinking Objectives

    • 4.6 - Elements of Effective Gamification

    • 4.7 - Feedback in Gamification

    • 4.8 - Leveling and Choice

    • 4.9 - Additional Resources

    • Gamification Discussion

  • 5

    5 - Learning Spaces

    • 5.1 - Meet the Expert: David Jakes

    • 5.2 - Rethinking Spaces for Active Learning

    • 5.3 - Redesigning with a Budget

    • 5.4 - How to Design a Room with a Limited Budget

    • 5.5 - What Comes First?

    • Learning Spaces Discussion

  • 6

    6 - Project Based Learning

    • 6.1 - Meet the Expert: Dan Jones (New)

    • 6.2 - What is Project Based Learning? (New)

    • Project Based Learning Graphics and Follow Along Notes (New)

    • 6.3 - How Flipped Learning Supports PBL (New)

    • 6.4 - The Underpinnings of PBL (New)

    • 6.5 - Essential Questions (New)

    • Essential Questions Discussion

    • 6.6 - Essential Strategies for PBL Part 1 (New)

    • 6.7 - Essential Strategies for PBL Part 2 (New)

    • 6.8 - Planning for PBL (New)

    • 6.9 - Start with the End in Mind: The Rubric (New)

    • 6.10 - The Design Lab (New)

    • 6.11 Week One (New)

    • 6.12 - Week Two (New)

    • 6.13 - Assessments & Presentations (New)

    • 6.14 - Additional Resources (New)

    • Pick up copy of Dan's book on Project Based Learning (New)

    • Project Based Learning Discussion

  • 7

    7 - Socratic Seminars

    • 7.1 - Meet the Expert: Peter Paccone

    • 7.2 - What is a Socratic Seminar?

    • 7.3 - Selecting an Appropriate Text

    • 7.4 - Setting up the Room

    • 7.5 - Crafting Great Questions

    • 7.6 - Role of the Teacher

    • 7.7 - Assessment

    • 7.8 - Ground Rules of a Socratic Seminar

    • 7.9 - Why Should you do Socratic Seminars?

    • Peter Paccone's Socratic Seminar PDF

    • Socratic Seminar Discussion

  • 8

    8 - Peer Instruction

    • 8.1 - Meet the Experts: Eric Mazur and Troy Faulkner

    • 8.2 - What is Peer Instruction?

    • 8.3 - The Peer Instruction Cycle

    • 8.4 - How to Make Awesome Peer Instruction Questions

    • Peer Instruction Questions

    • 8.5 - Tips for Effective Peer Instruction

    • 8.6 - Additional Information

    • Peer Instruction Discussion

  • 9

    9 - First Person Narrative

    • 9.1 - Meet the Expert: Ryan Hull

    • 9.2 - Why Flipped Learning Supports First Person Narrative

    • 9.3 - Scripts

    • 9.4 - Journaling

    • 9.5 - Student Made Videos

    • 9.6 - Creative Use of Social Media

    • 9.7 - Tying it All Together

    • First Person Narrative Discussion

  • 10

    10 - Inquiry

    • 10.1 - Meet the Experts: Ramsey Musallam & Enoch Ng

    • 10.2 - What is Inquiry?

    • 10.3 - Explore, Flip, Apply

    • 10.4 - Inquiry in Science

    • 10.5 - Inquiry in Math

    • 10.6 - Inquiry in Social Sciences

    • 10.7 - Best Practices in Inquiry

    • 10.8 - Tying it Together

    • Inquiry Discussion

  • 11

    11 - Genius Hour

    • 11.1 - Meet the Expert: Grayson Marsh (New)

    • 11.2 - What is Genius Hour? (New)

    • 11.3 - The Three Key Ingredients in a Successful Genius Hour (New)

    • 11.4 - The Nitty Gritty Details of a Successful Genius Hour (New)

    • 11.5 - What Happens When Students Follow Their Passions (New)

    • 11.6 - Why Genius Hour Matters (New)

    • Genius Hour Discussion

  • 12

    12 - Research

    • 12.1 - Introduction to Research

    • 12.2 - What Does the Research say about Flipped Learning?

    • 12.3 - What Can We Learn from Research?

    • 12.4 - How to Find Research

    • 12.5 - How to Read Research

    • 12.6 - How to Determine the Quality of Research

    • 12.7 - Applying Research to Our Classrooms

    • Research Discussion

  • 13

    13 - Jigsaw Method (New)

    • 13.1 Meet Dr. Núria Hernández Nanclares (New)

    • Jigsaw Outline (New)

    • 13.2 What is the Jigsaw Method? (New)

    • 13.3 Why Flipped Learning and Jigsaw Go Together (New)

    • 13.4 The Preparation Phase (New)

    • 13.5 The Performance Phase (New)

    • 13.6 The Reflection Phase (New)

    • 13.7 Different Ways to Jig (New)

  • 14

    14 - The Most Important Things

    • 14.1 - The Key to it All

    • 14.2 - Relationships Matter

    • 14.3 - Don't You Want to be That Teacher?

    • 14.4 - Decide

    • 14.5 Taking the Next Step

    • Which Strategy Resonated the Most?

    • What Will You Do Differently?

    • Certification Verification


5 star rating

Excellent course

Miriam Castro Huerga

I have found this course not only very thorough and to the point but it has also provided me with a lot of aspects to reflect upon and to implement in the le...

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I have found this course not only very thorough and to the point but it has also provided me with a lot of aspects to reflect upon and to implement in the learning process. I cannot thank enough Jon Bergman, in particular, and the rest of experts, for their generosity and contribution to education. Thank you!

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5 star rating

Great course which allows you to dig deeper for a better ...

David Largent

I found the course very worth the time it took me to go through all of the modules. Even though I was already familiar with much of the material, I still lea...

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I found the course very worth the time it took me to go through all of the modules. Even though I was already familiar with much of the material, I still learned (or relearned) something from every one of them. The wide range of pedagogies and strategies discussed which can (and should) be used under the meta-strategy of flipped learning was terrific. My future students should benefit greatly from me experiencing this course.

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5 star rating

Inspiring ideas

Paola Schincariol

Absolutely interesting; the idea of considering flipping as a metastrategy for other teaching methods is great as it gives the opportunity to learn about th...

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Absolutely interesting; the idea of considering flipping as a metastrategy for other teaching methods is great as it gives the opportunity to learn about them and 'blend' them into your teaching. What I would suggest is adding examples of what actually happens in class; you could add additional videos for those who want to 'see' a method put into practice (for example I found the module on gamification and flipping rather theoretical). All in all thanks for all this 'food for thought' and for inspiring teachers!

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5 star rating

Peer instruccion

Laura Angélica Gamboa Bello

The way Jon B. takes up and points out important aspects of the topic, whether he teaches them or when interviewing someone else, is very useful.

The way Jon B. takes up and points out important aspects of the topic, whether he teaches them or when interviewing someone else, is very useful.

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5 star rating

Ralis Vane-Tempest

5 star rating

Behnaz Ebrahimzadeh

5 star rating

Great for indepth learning.


I have gained indepth knowledge about flipped learning II.

I have gained indepth knowledge about flipped learning II.

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5 star rating


5 star rating

Gaby Muñoz

I want to give my congratulations for this amazing course. The topics addressed in this course and the Experts invited to present their experiences and knowl...

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I want to give my congratulations for this amazing course. The topics addressed in this course and the Experts invited to present their experiences and knowledge about FL have been highly interesting. Besides, it is great that I can see the videos as many times as I need it. Thank you for helping us teach with this motivating and exciting model.

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5 star rating

Cert Level II

Sean Lynch

I have really enjoyed the course and have learnt a great deal from it. I have really liked how the units have been arranged and how it is all organised. One ...

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I have really enjoyed the course and have learnt a great deal from it. I have really liked how the units have been arranged and how it is all organised. One thing I have really appreciated is the time to complete it. I have had the year subscription as I knew I would struggle to complete it within 3 months based on my situation here. The presenters used are of high quality and have provided some excellent tips. Also I have liked the way there is a forum at the end of each section. This is an area I have needed to develop and has helped me do that.

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5 star rating

Ana María López Balbín

Great Course!

Great Course!

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5 star rating

Feedback on this course

Adeline Ho

This course is great! I am suprised that they are so many different types of active learning practices which can tie in nicely with flipped learning.

This course is great! I am suprised that they are so many different types of active learning practices which can tie in nicely with flipped learning.

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5 star rating

Great course for a deeper dive into flipping

Matthew Eisley

This was a great course...I enjoyed the insights shared by all of the experts. Well worth the time to accumulate the wealth of knowledge that was shared.

This was a great course...I enjoyed the insights shared by all of the experts. Well worth the time to accumulate the wealth of knowledge that was shared.

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5 star rating

Expert advice on multiple strategies

Debbie Holford

This course truly takes one deeper into flipped learning by building on the fact that a flipped classroom enables a teacher to implement a wide variety of ot...

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This course truly takes one deeper into flipped learning by building on the fact that a flipped classroom enables a teacher to implement a wide variety of other active learning methods. Experts in their fields shared their best practices related to a wide range of strategies, everything from the in-class flip, to gamification to Socratic seminars. The theory and research behind flipped learning was coupled with actionable items that any teacher could implement immediately.

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5 star rating

Great course - practical overview of deeper learning stra...

Silvia Vogel

I really enjoyed exploring all the deeper learning strategies, many of which I didn't know much (or anything) about. This is has provided me with many resour...

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I really enjoyed exploring all the deeper learning strategies, many of which I didn't know much (or anything) about. This is has provided me with many resources to further explore the strategies in more detail to use in my context (higher ed). The course was really valuable. I like how it was structured, with well-defined topics, succinct explanation and comments from 'experts' in the field. I took a lot of notes. Thank you!

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5 star rating

Highly Recommended

Annelise Borger

Flipped Learning 3.0 Certification Level - II goes into the deeper learning strategies that we can use to make the most of our face-to-face class time. It dr...

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Flipped Learning 3.0 Certification Level - II goes into the deeper learning strategies that we can use to make the most of our face-to-face class time. It draws on the experience of a range of experts and challenges us to reflect and put into action the principals and strategies taught in this course. It was fantastic course that was practical and up-to-date. I would highly recommend it to anyone who is trying to take their Flipped Classroom to the next level!

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5 star rating

Great Info!!

Ed Giles

I just finished Level-I a couple of days ago and could not wait to get started on Level-II! So much great information!!

I just finished Level-I a couple of days ago and could not wait to get started on Level-II! So much great information!!

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5 star rating

Alejandra Apiquian

4 star rating

Great course/lots of hours to complete

Cordis Storms

I thought this was a great course. It was PACKED with many great strategies for implementing active learning in the group space in a Flipped Learning environ...

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I thought this was a great course. It was PACKED with many great strategies for implementing active learning in the group space in a Flipped Learning environment. The "guest instructors" were very knowledgeable about their topics. However, because there was SO much information, it was a bit overwhelming, and took much longer to complete than I had anticipated.

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4 star rating


I enjoyed the second level very much! All the mew startegies are great and I am anxious to try them. But I found very difficult to read the text in the lig...

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I enjoyed the second level very much! All the mew startegies are great and I am anxious to try them. But I found very difficult to read the text in the lightboard.

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Pricing options

Select the course access option that best meets your needs:

  • $159.00 / year

    365 Days of Course Access/ Level-II Certificate and Badge Renewed Annually

    Get started now
  • $129.00

    90 Days of Training Site Access / Level - II Certification Certificate and Badge / No Access to Course Updates

    Get started now